In early June I started not feeling very well. I felt nauseated, dizzy and tired. I thought it might be pregnancy, but after so much trouble with getting Logan I would be shocked if it were actually true. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I was a disappointed but not shocked. Then I started looking for alternative reasons that I may not feel well. I started checking my blood sugar levels and they were just fine. I thought the problems might have been a result of my weight loss or imbalance of hormones. I finally didn't know what to do so I went to my doctor. He said "you sound pregnant" I told him there was a negative test earlier in the summer. He then handed me a prescription to get my period started again. I came home frustrated that there were no answers, nor any attempt to get an answer. It turns out that I actually misplaced the prescription. A week or two later I bought another test and finally took it on Sunday, August 9th. When I took it I could hardly believe it. Kevin said it was a + (positive) but I could hardly believe it. I had him check it over and over again. How could it be that we had so much trouble and treatment to get Logan and then we could get another miracle baby without treatment? In fact, the next day I went out and bought another test just to be sure. It was still positive (did I expect anything else?)
I finally met with a new doctor on Friday for my first visit. Turns out that I am 15 weeks pregnant (4 months) ... shocker!! When they went to hear the heartbeat there wasn't one. My heart just sunk. How could I be given a blessing of a baby and have it taken away in a matter of days?? The doctor sent me downstairs for an ultrasound. I found Kevin in the waiting room and told him the news. I was praying all along the way. When the ultrasound started, I was too nervous and my eyes too full of tears to watch. I finally asked "Is there a heartbeat?" and the doctor said " yes". Wow, what a relief!! Kevin then said he could the baby moving his/her (I think it's a girl) legs and arms. I was just grateful that there was a heartbeat.
So now we are excited to welcome a new baby into our home in early February 2009. I feel so blessed and recognize what a blessing this little baby is. I am very grateful for this wonderful opportunity.
In the ultrasound the top of the triangle is the baby's head. To the right following the angle of the triangle is the back & hips. The legs are like he/she is sitting in a chair with her legs out and bending at the knee. It's almost like he/she is sitting in a chair looking down at his/her legs.