Our Boys

Our Boys
Logan and Kyson

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Grandpa!
Dad I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you! I thought the best way to show you is to share the joy of my being a Father with you through some little video clips of my precious son! We love you! Kevin, Sheri, and Logan

Logan loves giving loves to his animals




shaunandnina said...

Logan is such a cutie! he looks like you Sheri. We will be down on Wed. instead of Tues. now. Can we still get together? I'll call you.

Macie Crabtree said...

Hey Kevin!! I am so so SO excited to hear from you!! what an adorable little boy Logan is!! I was bummed not to see more pictures of you and Sheri! I would love to get together so I can meet your wife! Let me know... maciecrabtree@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

You always have to give love to your animals. Cute videos. Ralph & Susan